Friday, October 5, 2018

Heart Health - Are you taking care of the most important muscle in your body?

The heart is a muscle that pumps nutrient rich blood throughout the body. Your digestive system breaks down the food you eat and delivers it to the blood to be distributed to all parts of the body. So basically everything you eat will at some point travel through your heart. This is why it's important to make sure what you're eating is heart friendly.

You should be getting at least 30 minutes of cardio every day. I'm not talking about shredding the gym, that may not be your thing but you should do an inclined speed walk or a light run. Finding the time to exercise will motivate you to do other healthy things, like eating healthier.

Diet is huge and can either make you or break you. Have you ever heard the saying, "You eat to live not live to eat"? I think we all (even people in really good shape) love to eat. There is so much pleasure in it. But with so many healthy new recipes, you can enjoy your food while benefiting greatly. You may have to plan your meals a little better and take the time preparing them but I promise you, it will be worth it. Those who choose to avoid the convenience of a microwavable meal and take the time preparing their meals are the one's you see in good shape, living a happier life. Doesn't mean you can splurge and eat a crappy meal every once in a while, it just means don't do it all the time. Everything in moderation.

Foods you should be eating: Leafy greens, whole grains, berries, avocados, fish oils, nuts and seeds, beans, and dark chocolate. These foods provide key nutrients that are healthy for the heart such as: Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fatty acids.

The earlier you take action with your health, the more likely you can avoid future problems that could result in being forced to live a super restricted lifestyle. Adopting these habits early on will also help you pass them on to your children.

Herbal and Vitamin Supplements that are heart healthy.
  1. B-Vitamins - There are eight essential B-Vitamins, each the body needs to maintain health. B-Vitamins are water soluble, which means, your body uses what is needed and flushes the rest out with the urine. The word "Vitamin" means " Vital to Man", you must have them or you wouldn't be here. If you're not getting enough from the food you eat, then your body will try to make what is need from intestinal flora (another reason you should be taking probiotics daily) or take them from other parts of your body, resulting in deficiency. Click Here to shop B-Vitamins.
  2. Fat soluble Vitamins - protects arteries, promotes proper blood clotting, and provides omega 3 fatty acids. These vitamins can be found in leafing greens, vegetables and fatty fish. Click Here to shop fat soluble vitamin Supplement
  3. Hawthorn Berry- an herb that's healthy for blood vessels and helps restore heart muscle. This herb should not be taken if you're taking medication for heart disease. Click Here for Hawthorn Berry Herbal Supplements.
  4. Garlic - Resent studies show the herb supports a healthy heart by reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. Adding garlic to foods you eat or taking a supplement is highly recommended for those with heart conditions. Shop Garlic Herb. 
  5. Green Tea - used to reduce inflammation and protect the heart from cell damage. Drinking a cup of green tea every day will provide many health benefits. 
Taking steps to improve your heart health will also provide other health benefits throughout the body. Changing your diet, adding exercise, and taking heart healthy supplements are all ways you can start today and better your hearts health.


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