Monday, February 18, 2019

The quickest way to relieve stress!

What does 15 minutes of brisk walking do for you?

Exercise benefits out weigh the negative so much it doesn't even compare but for some reason only 5% of people get enough physical activity, daily.

If you are like most people, you have a busy schedule with too much stress to add exercise to your daily regimen. But did you know that exercise is one of the quickest ways to get rid of stress?

I learned this years ago dealing with a break up. Some mornings I would wake up in an anxiety attack that would ruin my whole day. It wasn't until I discovered exercise that I was able to take control of these situations.

On these mornings of dealing with high levels of stress, I would immediately strap on my running shoe's and head out the door for a quick run around my neighborhood. Not only does this bring me out of the stress but I also feel accomplished early and the rest of my day follows with higher levels of productivity.

The reason I bring up 15 minutes of walking is to get you in a better mindset. A 15 minute walk isn't a ton of exercise but it is enough to improve your mood, lower blood pressure (if done daily), increase quality sleep, but most importantly, give you a start to something better.

Walk your way to better health
  • Increases brain function. I know you know what I'm talking about when I say, "stress keeps you in a fog". If you're stressed, it's hard to get out of that thought process and everything outside of that stress is really hard to concentrate on. Immediate action towards some form of exercise is the quickest way to reset your mind and get away from the stress.
  • Better rest. Sleep is so important for your health and we can all agree that the day goes by much better when you get enough of it. Exercise is big in detoxing the body and opening up airways so you can let your mind naturally set itself at ease when it's time for bed.
  • Balances hormones. A hormone imbalance plays all sorts of tricks with your mind and can throw you into an anxiety attack immediately. Exercise helps increase oxygen and blood flow which stabilizes the pituitary gland and the adrenal glands.   

Supplements that go great with exercise:

  • MSM - A formula great for joint health. Click the link to learn more
  • Vitamins - Everyone needs Vitamins to stay healthy but active lifestyles burn more and therefore need to be replenished more frequently. Click Here to learn more
  • Calcium - A mineral the body needs daily for healthy bones, muscle and joints. Click to learn more
  • Mineral Complex - All your needed minerals besides sodium and calcium. You get enough sodium from your daily diet and calcium and magnesium should be taken separately for maximum absorption. 

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