Friday, March 8, 2019

What's causing your headache?

Headaches are the worst. It doesn't matter what you're doing, if you have a headache, you are going to be miserable.

Many things can cause headaches but if you suffer from them on the regular, it might be something a little more serious.

Dehydration is one of the main reasons people get headaches. The brain is about 73% water and floats in it. If you're dehydrated, the brain will rest on the bone inside your head causing a headache. You should be drinking 6 to 8 - 8oz glasses of water everyday and getting enough electrolytes from fruits and vegetables, not sports drinks.

Caffeine is wonderful if you need a quick pick me up but if you're consuming it daily, you may get headaches from the withdraw of it. Studies show that caffeine is actually good in low doses but just like everything else, in moderation. A healthy diet, exercise and staying hydrated will increase your energy naturally so you don't have to use as much caffeine.

Toxins are molecules that harm the body and too much of them can cause all sorts of health problems, headaches being one of them. Processed sugar and artificial sweeteners are the two most common toxins consumed by humans. Your body's main source of sugar should be from natural sources such as fruits and vegetables. Toxins come in all sorts of forms, the air we breath, the fluids we drink and the foods we eat all have them. If you are unable to get rid of them faster than they're coming in, your body will store them in cells throughout the body. I like to do a detox every six months to make sure I'm avoiding cell damage and deficiencies caused from them.

Deficiencies are the catalyst to most health problems. Your body requires certain nutrients every day to stay healthy and operating. If you fall short, the body tries to make them up from other areas of the body. If you go long periods without these nutrients, your body runs out of the material used to make them up and you become deficient and start suffering from it. A Vitamin B2 deficiency will cause constant headaches. If this is the cause, a Vitamin B2 Supplement is the quickest way to overcome the deficiency.

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