Thursday, March 21, 2019

Why some fat is harder to lose

The Digestive System.
The body is designed to rid itself of toxins and does a pretty good job at keeping them at bay as long as you don't constantly over load it with them. Avoiding toxins all together is impossible since they are everywhere, but there are a few thing you can do to help yourself and prevent harmful damage.

Unfortunately, most of us, 74%, are dealing with health problems from having too many toxins in our body. Eating and drinking unhealthy foods and drinks keep us in a constant battle within. Like I said earlier, "your body is able to handle toxins", but when you overload it with a poor diet and a lack of exercise, your body is forced to store them in fat cells to keep you alive. Although it's still not healthy to have these toxins stored, the alternative would be much worse.

What does this toxic overload look like for you? The list of health issues goes on and on. Every cell in your body can be effected by toxins. Lets take a quick tour through the digestive system: Your digestive system breaks down what you consume and converts it into usable energy. If the energy created in this processed isn't used within the day, it's stored into fat cells to be used later. If you continue this process every day, the stock pile of fat cells grows. This is a survival mechanism designed for times that food wasn't so plentiful.

Even though fat cells are mainly energy stored for a later time, they also have other uses as well. For instance, if you eat food that has an unrecognizable molecule (toxins), the body will create a fat cell to put it in so it doesn't cause any harm to other cells. If you've ever had a really hard time losing fat in certain areas of the body, it's because the fat is full of toxins and your body is trying to keep them from escaping and causing damage. These fat cells aren't like other fat cells and are a lot harder to get rid of. This is also a reason why people still gain weight from eating fat free foods or drinking diet soda. If you are consuming toxins faster than your body can safely expel them, fat cells will be created and they will be stored.

Another very common problem caused from unhealthy eating, is backed up fecal matter. Studies show that the average person has 5 to 20lbs of it stuck to their intestinal walls. This causes all sorts of digestive issues as well and can make it harder for your body to rid itself of toxins.

I recommend a routine detox every six months if you don't have a stellar diet. Too many foods are full of chemicals that are harmful to you and will overtime, even if you're storing the toxins, will cause health problems. The Herb-Science Intestinal Tune Up is formulated to break lose and expel the backed up fecal matter and toxins from the intestines. If you are suffering from digestive problems, this should be your first step. Click here to learn more about intestinal tune up. The majority of toxins are removed from your body through the bowels, if they're blocked, you will have a hard time getting rid of toxins in other areas.

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