Thursday, July 26, 2018

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Benefits

Here's what you need to know about Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin, has many health benefits. Like all other B-Vitamins, B3 is essential for us. Without it, you would have serous skin conditions, diarrhea, headaches, memory loss and loss of energy all the time. Vitamin B3 is also necessary for supporting a healthy heart.

Vitamin B3 works with other B-Vitamins as co-enzymes that activate other enzymes in the digestive system so you're able to properly break down everything you consume. Since we get all of our nutrients from our digestive system, it's very important we have all the right tools to keep it functioning properly. Most health problems can be traced back to unhealthy eating and/or a poor digestive system. Every cell in our body relies on our digestive system to pull nutrients from what we consume. Getting the proper amount of B-Vitamins is an important step in achieving this.

Vitamin B3 Deficiencies 
Each B-Vitamin plays a key roll in the digestive system but they also have many more uses. Our body gives us signs to let us know when something is missing. It's kinda like the check engine light coming on in your car, you know there's a problem you just don't know exactly what it is. 

Here's the breakdown:
Inflammation of the skin (dermatitis)
Memory Loss

These are all signs you may be lacking the proper amount of Vitamin B3. Pellagra is also a sign you may be deficient. All B-Vitamins are water soluble, your body only stores them for a short time. If you take too much, your body will use what it needs and flush the rest out with the urine. 

Recommended Vitamin B3
We found at Herb-Science that liquid is the best for deficiencies. It's easily absorbed and dispersed throughout the body quickly. Click the link to order Liquid Vitamin B3

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Liver Health - Detoxing & Healing - Better Digesting

 The Liver's Job

The Liver is an organ that does many things. From filtering out toxins in the blood to creating  enzymes that help with digestion. The Liver also stores vitamins and chemicals the body needs to stay healthy. If the Liver isn't functioning properly you won't absorb nutrients your body desperately needs or rid toxins that are causing harmful damage. Serous health conditions will follow if you don't take care of your Liver.

How to keep a healthy Liver
The Liver is the largest organ in your body, located on the right side of your stomach. Taking care of the Liver now will improve your chances of avoiding problems in the future and the way you feel each day here on out. There are many nutrients the Liver uses daily to stay healthy. Many of these nutrients can come from a healthy diet but some can also come from herbal supplements if your diet isn't providing the proper amount. Eating foods that are high in B-Vitamins, Vitamin E and Vitamin C, such as fruits, berries and vegetables are good for your Liver. Drinking a cup of herbal tea each day can also support a healthy Liver. Liquid Milk Thistle is one of the best herbs you can start taking for your Liver health. Scroll down to get a full list of supplements that are good for the Liver.

Many things can cause harm to the Liver, such as alcohol and drugs. A junky diet can also cause problems with the Liver. Too much sugar can cause fatty tissue to build up in the Liver. We all drink occasionally or have a meal that's not the best for us here and there, and that's okay, it's when you do it all the time that gets you in trouble. Eating foods with refined sugars, fats, drinking sodas or alcoholic beverages, and taking pharmaceutical drugs too often will cause Liver damage. Everything in moderation will allow your body to remember how to keep these toxins at bay without causing the harm if taken all the time.

Choosing Supplements for your Liver

There are many products on the market today for Liver health and I'm sure a lot of them work very well but what we have found here at Herb-Science, is that liquid works the best. Not only does the Liver absorb the nutrients quicker from liquid, it's also able to disperse them throughout the body quicker and more effectively. So, the list of products we're showing you are all liquid herbal and vitamin formulas.

Milk Thistle - An herb with a lot of research that shows it can stop cell damage in the Liver and start regenerating healthy new cells. By adding a tablespoon of liquid Milk Thistle to your diet every day will support a healthy Liver. Click the link to order Liquid Milk Thistle today.

Dandelion - Helps the Liver produce bile, a digestive fluid needed to break down foods in the intestines. It also helps cleanse the Liver. Click the link to order Liquid Dandelion today.

Eldermint Tea - Provides help with detoxing and boosting the immune system. The Liver deals with toxins every day and always can use the extra help in ridding toxins. Drink a cup of Eldermint Tea each day for amazing benefits. Click the link to order Eldermint Tea today.

B-Vitamins - Are needed for the Liver to store and provide to cells as needed. The Liver delivers B-Vitamins as a co-enzyme to activate enzymes in the digestive system so you can properly break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Taking B-Vitamins in a complex is the best way to make sure you don't become deficient of any of them. B-Vitamins all work together for many functions of the body and getting the proper amount of each is very important. Click the link to order Herb-Science balanced Liquid B-Complex with Vitamin C. 

Vitamin C - Is great for the immune system but also is a wonderful antioxidant that protects Liver cells from free radical damage. You can take a Liquid Vitamin C by itself or take the B-Complex to get all your B-Vitamins along with the Vitamin C.

Fat Soluble Vitamins - One of the best antioxidants out there. Vitamin E, A&D and K are all amazing for every cell in your body. Adding these vitamins provide a wide range of health benefits that not only improve Liver health but much more as well. Shop Fat Soluble Vitamins today!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Simple steps to bettering your health

We all hate getting sick but did you know you can actually benefit from it?
Throughout the year, even if we eat healthy, we become exposed to toxins that cause cell damage to our bodies. We see weight gain, ageing, loss of energy and become more exposed to illness due to these toxins. Once the toxin level is too high, the immune system becomes overwhelmed fighting them and we are more susceptible to colds and the flu. But, this isn't as bad as you think. Getting a cold or the flu is a great way to flush the body of these toxins and build the immune system.

Before you run to get a flu shot or an antibiotic, just remember, these toxins need to be flushed out and will just be stored in your body to cause more damage if they're not. I'm not telling you not to get your flu shots, I'm just saying you might want to skip one every once in a while. And, antibiotics kill gut bacteria, which makes up 80% of your immune system. Antibiotics are great if you have a serous health concern but if it's just a cold, you'll be better off riding it out.

Simple steps to help you get over a cold or the flu quicker
As I mentioned before, the cold and flu are natural ways to get rid of toxins. The first step is to avoid eating foods that have these toxins. Avoid foods such as breads, pasta, dairy and anything with added sugar. These foods create mucus and create more for the immune system to fight.

Second, drink water to stay hydrated. Stay away from sugary drinks such as soda, juice, energy drinks and sports drinks. Staying hydrated when you're sick is very important and drinks like soda dehydrate you. Electrolytes are great to help you stay hydrated but don't try and get them from a sports drink. Adding lemon to your water will give you way more electrolytes without the processed sugars sports drink have.

Third, take herbs and vitamins that boost your immune system. Herbs such as Echinacea, Elder Flowers and Peppermint, and Vitamin C help support the immune system so you can rid toxins quicker and start feeling better faster.