Thursday, July 26, 2018

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Benefits

Here's what you need to know about Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin, has many health benefits. Like all other B-Vitamins, B3 is essential for us. Without it, you would have serous skin conditions, diarrhea, headaches, memory loss and loss of energy all the time. Vitamin B3 is also necessary for supporting a healthy heart.

Vitamin B3 works with other B-Vitamins as co-enzymes that activate other enzymes in the digestive system so you're able to properly break down everything you consume. Since we get all of our nutrients from our digestive system, it's very important we have all the right tools to keep it functioning properly. Most health problems can be traced back to unhealthy eating and/or a poor digestive system. Every cell in our body relies on our digestive system to pull nutrients from what we consume. Getting the proper amount of B-Vitamins is an important step in achieving this.

Vitamin B3 Deficiencies 
Each B-Vitamin plays a key roll in the digestive system but they also have many more uses. Our body gives us signs to let us know when something is missing. It's kinda like the check engine light coming on in your car, you know there's a problem you just don't know exactly what it is. 

Here's the breakdown:
Inflammation of the skin (dermatitis)
Memory Loss

These are all signs you may be lacking the proper amount of Vitamin B3. Pellagra is also a sign you may be deficient. All B-Vitamins are water soluble, your body only stores them for a short time. If you take too much, your body will use what it needs and flush the rest out with the urine. 

Recommended Vitamin B3
We found at Herb-Science that liquid is the best for deficiencies. It's easily absorbed and dispersed throughout the body quickly. Click the link to order Liquid Vitamin B3

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