Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Healthier Skin & Hair - Quick and Easy Results with Liquid

Improving your skin and hair health the easy way
Aging comes with many difficult changes. Not only do we have to pay better attention to our health, but our looks start to go down hill as well. We all age but why do some people seem to be better at it than others? Genetics are a big part of it but proper nutrition is key.

The skin loses collagen and elastin (main skin proteins) as we grow older, causing our skin to sag and become wrinkled and hair follicles to shrink and stop growing hair. We start losing these skin proteins after the age of 25 and increase the loss every year there after. The skin cells become damaged the more we become depleted in nutrients, and augment in toxins that create free radicals.

Building Healthy Skin
Increase the bodies natural ability to produce collagen and keep your skin feeling and looking healthy by adding the proper nutrients to your diet. Getting optimal levels of these nutrients from your diet alone can be challenging, this is where liquid supplements come in.

First, Biotin (Vitamin B7) is needed daily to keep skin, hair and nails healthy. Biotin plays a big role in cell growth and fatty acid production. Fatty acids prevent inflammation, produce healthy skin cell membranes and helps the skin stay naturally moisturized. Vitamin B7 also helps the body utilize B-complex Vitamins (water soluble vitamins) which also are very important for healthy skin and hair. Click here to learn how you can try liquid Biotin Free!

Vitamin C,  a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from free radical damage. Toxins from the air we breath, the fluids we drink and the food we eat cause the majority of health problems we have. Avoiding these toxins are not always that easy but we can help by paying attention to what we put in our bodies and making sure we get plenty of antioxidants. The vitamin also is able to produce all 18 kinds of collagen by combining with the proper amino acids. Click here for liquid Vitamin C

Antioxidants prevent damage from free radicals and keep the skin and hair healthy and strong. Click here for some natural antioxidants. Learn more about antioxidants.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Antioxidants - Free Radicals - Healthy Cells

Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells from free radicals. The body creates free radicals to fight viruses and bacteria, to produce needed hormones and to activate certain enzymes. Although, we need free radicals to maintain a healthy body, too many can cause a lot of damage. An overabundance of free radicals are the cause of aging and disease. This is why someone who smokes looks years older and are more susceptible to disease.

An excess of free radicals can be caused by the pollution in the air we breath, the fluids we drink and the processed foods we eat. Consuming antioxidants help keep free radicals at a safe and healthy level.

Free radicals are unstable atoms that steal electrons from other atoms due to them missing one. Once an electron has been taken from an atom, that atom becomes a free radical and steals an electron from another atom, causing a chain reaction. Some of the effects can be irreversible and may cause serious health problems.  

Antioxidants stop the chain reaction of free radicals and prevent them from causing serious cell damage. There are many different sources of Antioxidants and they work best when taken together. For instance, Vitamin E is an amazing antioxidant but when combined with Burdock, the effects are much better. 

Antioxidants - Burdock, Garlic, Gingko Biloba, Green Tea, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), Zinc and Flavonoids (fruits and vegetables with lots of color). Click here to shop Antioxidants.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Magnesium - Cell Function & Structure - Essential Minerals

Magnesium is one of the 6 minerals the body needs in larger amounts to stay healthy. The RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) is 400mg each day. 

Magnesium is a co-enzyme that activate enzymes that produce energy, without it you would be exhausted all the time. In fact, over 300 enzyme reactions are activated by magnesium. It regulates the fluid in and out of the cells, functioning as electrolytes.

The mineral also improves the absorption of other minerals such as Calcium and Potassium, minerals needed for bone growth, a regular heart beat and nervous system. Magnesium and Calcium need to maintain a balance for the body to perform properly.  The two minerals work with each other to contract and relax muscles. Calcium contracts muscles and magnesium relaxes them. Without magnesium, your muscles would be constantly contracting without you being able to control it. Ever had your eye uncontrollably twitch? This is most likely a sign of low magnesium.

Deficiency can be hard to detect because the same issues can be caused by other deficiencies. But, a decline in magnesium will result in a lack of energy, rapid heart beat, poor digestion and muscle spasms. Getting the proper amount of magnesium is very important, if you're not getting the suggested amount daily from your food, you might consider supplementing the mineral. Click here to order Mineral Complex, a supplement with 3 essential minerals and 77 trace minerals.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Vitamins are a must to keep your body functioning right, without them you wouldn't be here. Each vitamin have specific jobs they do but they also work with each other to maintain a healthy body. Vitamin B2 works with Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), making it easier for your body to absorb it. Riboflavin, like other vitamins help with digesting fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Healthy skin, hair and nails need Riboflavin to facilitate oxygen to the tissue surrounding them. Dandruff is a sign that you're lacking in Vitamin B2. Getting enough B-Vitamins will improve the look of your skin, add shine and strength to your hair and thicken your nails.

Red blood cells use riboflavin to form. Your bodies anti body production needs B2 to fight infection and illnesses. Your cells use Vitamin B2 to increase oxygen so they can grow. The vitamin is important for eye health and may help with cataracts. It's also very important to take during pregnancy, without it, the fetus can be damaged.

Luckily, if you're deficient in Vitamin B2, the signs are pretty noticeable. Cracked lips or sores at the corners of the mouth are some of the first signs. Loss of hair, eye disorders, dizziness, insomnia, poor digestion and skin lesions are also likely signs of deficiency. These could also be the cause of other deficiencies or health problems so check with your doctor for diagnosis.

To order Liquid Vitamin B2, click here!

Herbs containing Vitamin B2:  Alfalfa, Bladderwrack, Burdock, Capsicum, Fennel Seed, Fenugreek, Ginseng, Hops, Parsley, Peppermint, Red Clover, Rose Hips and Yellow Dock

Monday, April 9, 2018

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Vitamin B1 was the first vitamin discovered. The vitamin plays a big role in providing healthy digesting by converting fats, carbohydrates and protein into glucose for the body to use as energy. Like many of the B-Vitamins, B1 is a co-enzyme that is vital to man (vitamin). Without out it, you would have a hard time learning, maintaining proper muscle tone of the intestines, stomach and heart, along with having little to no energy.

Vitamin B1 deficiency will cause a mountain of problems that can easily be avoided by making sure you get enough daily. The body does not store B-Vitamins, it uses what it needs each day and flushes the rest out with the urine. This is why it's very important to consume them daily to avoid deficiency.

 Deficiencies include, nervous system problems, constipation, edema, liver problems, fatigue, trouble remembering, digestive issues, loss of apatite, muscle weakness, numbing in hands and feet and severe weight loss.

To purchase a liquid Vitamin-B1 that's absorbed at the cell level with minimal digesting, click here!