Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Magnesium - Cell Function & Structure - Essential Minerals

Magnesium is one of the 6 minerals the body needs in larger amounts to stay healthy. The RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) is 400mg each day. 

Magnesium is a co-enzyme that activate enzymes that produce energy, without it you would be exhausted all the time. In fact, over 300 enzyme reactions are activated by magnesium. It regulates the fluid in and out of the cells, functioning as electrolytes.

The mineral also improves the absorption of other minerals such as Calcium and Potassium, minerals needed for bone growth, a regular heart beat and nervous system. Magnesium and Calcium need to maintain a balance for the body to perform properly.  The two minerals work with each other to contract and relax muscles. Calcium contracts muscles and magnesium relaxes them. Without magnesium, your muscles would be constantly contracting without you being able to control it. Ever had your eye uncontrollably twitch? This is most likely a sign of low magnesium.

Deficiency can be hard to detect because the same issues can be caused by other deficiencies. But, a decline in magnesium will result in a lack of energy, rapid heart beat, poor digestion and muscle spasms. Getting the proper amount of magnesium is very important, if you're not getting the suggested amount daily from your food, you might consider supplementing the mineral. Click here to order Mineral Complex, a supplement with 3 essential minerals and 77 trace minerals.

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