Friday, October 5, 2018

Heart Health - Are you taking care of the most important muscle in your body?

The heart is a muscle that pumps nutrient rich blood throughout the body. Your digestive system breaks down the food you eat and delivers it to the blood to be distributed to all parts of the body. So basically everything you eat will at some point travel through your heart. This is why it's important to make sure what you're eating is heart friendly.

You should be getting at least 30 minutes of cardio every day. I'm not talking about shredding the gym, that may not be your thing but you should do an inclined speed walk or a light run. Finding the time to exercise will motivate you to do other healthy things, like eating healthier.

Diet is huge and can either make you or break you. Have you ever heard the saying, "You eat to live not live to eat"? I think we all (even people in really good shape) love to eat. There is so much pleasure in it. But with so many healthy new recipes, you can enjoy your food while benefiting greatly. You may have to plan your meals a little better and take the time preparing them but I promise you, it will be worth it. Those who choose to avoid the convenience of a microwavable meal and take the time preparing their meals are the one's you see in good shape, living a happier life. Doesn't mean you can splurge and eat a crappy meal every once in a while, it just means don't do it all the time. Everything in moderation.

Foods you should be eating: Leafy greens, whole grains, berries, avocados, fish oils, nuts and seeds, beans, and dark chocolate. These foods provide key nutrients that are healthy for the heart such as: Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fatty acids.

The earlier you take action with your health, the more likely you can avoid future problems that could result in being forced to live a super restricted lifestyle. Adopting these habits early on will also help you pass them on to your children.

Herbal and Vitamin Supplements that are heart healthy.
  1. B-Vitamins - There are eight essential B-Vitamins, each the body needs to maintain health. B-Vitamins are water soluble, which means, your body uses what is needed and flushes the rest out with the urine. The word "Vitamin" means " Vital to Man", you must have them or you wouldn't be here. If you're not getting enough from the food you eat, then your body will try to make what is need from intestinal flora (another reason you should be taking probiotics daily) or take them from other parts of your body, resulting in deficiency. Click Here to shop B-Vitamins.
  2. Fat soluble Vitamins - protects arteries, promotes proper blood clotting, and provides omega 3 fatty acids. These vitamins can be found in leafing greens, vegetables and fatty fish. Click Here to shop fat soluble vitamin Supplement
  3. Hawthorn Berry- an herb that's healthy for blood vessels and helps restore heart muscle. This herb should not be taken if you're taking medication for heart disease. Click Here for Hawthorn Berry Herbal Supplements.
  4. Garlic - Resent studies show the herb supports a healthy heart by reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. Adding garlic to foods you eat or taking a supplement is highly recommended for those with heart conditions. Shop Garlic Herb. 
  5. Green Tea - used to reduce inflammation and protect the heart from cell damage. Drinking a cup of green tea every day will provide many health benefits. 
Taking steps to improve your heart health will also provide other health benefits throughout the body. Changing your diet, adding exercise, and taking heart healthy supplements are all ways you can start today and better your hearts health.


Thursday, September 20, 2018

How I transformed my stress into success

These three steps will help you improve your brain health no matter what the reason is. If you’re dealing with stress, lack of motivation, trouble learning, staying focused or dealing with brain health, these steps will help.

Stress – Everyone is dealing with stress in one way or another. Our emotions bring us down from good or bad changes in our life. If you’ve ever dealt with a break up or divorce, a loved one’s death, losing a job, dealing with a health problem or having trouble making positive change, then you know how hard stress is. How it takes everything you got to just do your daily tasks.

Lacks of motivation - if you have trouble getting motivated to work on your goals, then you haven’t seen results you were happy with yet. Do you know what keeps people in the gym and eating healthy? It’s because they started seeing results they loved more than the alternative. Same goes with work, cleaning your house or anything else. It’s always easier to stick with the negative and do nothing. Working on the positive is hard so we always take the path with the least resistance.

If you’re serious about changing the way you operate mentally, emotionally and physically then you need to start with one thing… your own mind. We all know we need to take steps to better ourselves but there always seems to be an invisible force that keeps us from doing what we want. I know this because I have been there. These three steps is how I got out of my negative mind set and started living my life the way I wanted.

First, I have to ask you a couple of questions. Are you serious about changing yourself? If yes, how far are you willing to go? If I can help you break through this invisible, negative force that’s keeping you from doing what you want, would you take the chance?

These products are not an overnight fix but they will help you start taking the steps to achieving your goals. It will build strength in you and prove that you have actual control of your life, that the hard times are there for you to learn from and not to control you. We all have problems, and to each of us, our problems seem harder than anyone else’s. It’s all prospective. The people who are successful used the hard times to their advantage and grew from them and became stronger.

After I had dealt with a hard break up and was watching my three kids leaving my house with their mom and some random guy she had just that met, I was at my all-time low. I would wake up in a panic and couldn’t fall asleep again. I was constantly asking myself “why” this happened. I didn’t have any motivation to do anything, and started slipping in my job. My whole life seemed like constant pain.

I woke up early one morning for work and I realized that it had been months since I felt happy. Every morning, evening and night seemed so hard. I was starting to think that I was going to feel this way forever. I think that realization was one of the scariest feelings I have ever had. The thought of feeling like this the rest of my life was one of the worst I have ever felt but it was the catalyst that made me make a change.

I had heard of all sorts of things that can help you get out of a negative mind set and figured I would explore some of them. I started with an herbal formulation that gave me an amazing start. The herbs helped increase circulation and detoxify my brain. My thoughts started becoming clear and I wasn’t near as groggy. My mind was clear enough that I was excited to keep going.

After trying a few other things, I decided I was going to start exercising a few times a week. I started off easy so I didn’t burn myself out and eventually increased until I was going every day and loving it. Exercise was a big step in my life. This change made me feel more confident and created a motivation I never had.

The changes I made were giving me amazing results and I felt better than I had in a long time but I was still having moments of depression that would come on out of nowhere. I started to do more research and found studies showing that our stomachs are connected emotionally to our brains through the vagus nerve. This is what causes the bad gut feeling about somebody or something or butterflies when we like someone.

Science wanted to know if this could also be a cause for stress or depression. What they found out was pretty awesome and makes a lot of since due to all the depressed people in the world. In fact, 1 in 8 people under the age of 12 is, or has been on antidepressants.
The study showed that those with poor gut bacteria (intestinal flora) were far more stressed than those with healthy amounts. The people with a good digestive system were less stressed and able to handle stress way better.

There are many ways to get good gut bacteria (probiotics). Fermented foods such as homemade sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, kombucha and some yogurts all have good gut bacteria. The one I like and would suggest is Lactobacillus Acidophilus from HoneyCombs. This product is right up there with sauerkraut but without the taste. Click here to learn more about Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

Once I added the Acidophilus into my diet and stuck with it for a month, I noticed a huge difference. Everything seemed to be clear. Didn’t matter what it was, I was able to deal with it. I made decisions without having to worry and even if it was a bad decision, I was okay with it. I stopped yelling at people in traffic, didn’t matter how long I was sitting there. Every morning is amazing and I am always excited to go to work.

Through this journey I was able to find my passion, helping people with their health. These three things, Formula B, Exercise and Acidopholus changed my life. I was at the bottom and was able to bring myself out and that’s exactly what I want to help you do. I was able to clear my head of all the negative and start focusing on what I wanted and was able to start a successful business that does exactly what I want. I want the same for you but I can’t help you unless you are willing to at least take one step to better yourself. I know it can be done because I have been there.

If you’re suffering from a lack of desire and would like to turn things around, then start with the Formula B. This is all the same herbs I started with and it changed my life. It’s not going to be an overnight fix but it will create the lasting change that you want instead of a quick fix that leaves you relying on a crutch the rest of your life. Buy today and save $13.00.

I am so excited for you to try this amazing product! I love it and it worked wonders for me and I hope you get the same benefit as I did. But, if for some reason you’re not happy with the product, I will return your money for a full refund – No questions asked!

So what are you waiting for? You’ll never know how awesome this product is if you don’t try it. Plus, its risk free, money back guarantee! Buy Now and save $13.00!

If you have any questions about this product or any other product we carry, please contact me!

Formula B ingredient breakdown:

Ginseng helps with memory and mental performance. It's a wonderful Antioxidant that helps prevent free radicals in the brain. The herb has been tested for age related mental problems and concentration.

Ginkgo Leaf improves oxygen flow to the brain, increasing brain function and circulation. Healthy brain circulation helps with focus and learning.

Capsicum works in many different ways. First, it improves the bodies circulation, including the brains. It also acts as a catalyst for other herbs, making them stronger and more effective. A great herb to support a healthy heart.

Gotu Kola works well with Ginkgo to stimulate brain function and cell reproduction. The herb is used for the nervous system and decrease fatigue and depression.

St John's Wort is used for stress and nerves. With the combination of all 5 herbs, we have focused on each aspect of the brain. Providing herbs that work to improve each other and bring you an amazing product.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Intestinal Health - Better Digestion - Constipation Relief

Digestive Health
Are you suffering from constipation, bloating, heart burn, diarrhea, stomach pain/cramping, or a lack of energy? These are all digestive problems that are caused from having too much toxin build up in the intestines.

When thinking of a health problem, we can easily be misdirected from what is actually the cause. The beginning of what started the problem can be many things but the catalyst to most health complications come from unhealthy intestines. When the digestive system isn’t functioning properly, many issues can and will arise.
If the intestinal walls become caked with hardened waist, only fats and sugars are absorbed. This is the start to deficiencies of needed nutrients, and weight gain. The body becomes forced to pull these nutrients from other places, like bones and muscle, to keep the organs operating. This is why problems acre in other parts of the body when we get backed up.

The first step in taking your health back, is cleansing the intestines so you can start absorbing a variety of nutrition and replenishing the parts of the body that were robbed of them. Doing this is easier than you may think with Intestinal Tune-Up.

The Intestinal Tune-Up is formulated with herbal ingredients that break up hardened, old fecal matter and replenish intestinal health. With these great herbal ingredients that have their own amazing benefits, each promoting healthy and clean intestines.

Herbs you should be taking if you have intestinal/digestive problems:
Psyllium Seed – adds bulk and is wonderful at softening and absorbing old, hardened fecal matter

Cascara Sagrada – causes the peristaltic muscles to activate thus helping break loose the debris and pushing it out of the body. Also helps build muscle tone of a sluggish bowel.

Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper) – a bowel stimulator and helps magnify the effects of the other herbs. Also improves circulation in the intestines.

Garlic – expels intestinal worms and regulates the blood pressure levels in the bowels helping to ease the pain of hemorrhoids and piles.

Rosehips – stimulates the natural growth of intestinal flora (good gut bacteria).

Aloe Vera – helps with lesions in the alimentary canal.

Rhubarb Root – also stimulates the natural growth of intestinal flora (good gut bacteria).

Black Walnut – kills parasites.

Senna Leaf – stimulates peristaltic action of the lower bowel.

Flax Seed – contains oil that lubricates the bowels making passage of feces easier and smoother. The oil also helps soften and loosen oil fecal matter. Also adds bulk (fiber) and is absorbent, helping carry out the old waist.

Slippery Elm – absorbs mucous and is very healing to the alimentary canal.

Licorice – hormone balancing, especially for victims of diarrhea and soothes stomach and intestinal walls.

Marshmallow Root – help with bleeding piles, inflammation and irritation of the alimentary canal.

Peppermint – Helps with colon lesions. Restores circulation and oxygen on a cellular level and calms and soothes the stomach and intestines.

Overcoming constipation
Over half the population has constipation issues. There are many home remedies to overcome constipation and get your digestive system back on the right track. First, start adding more fiber to your diet. This will help with constipation and ease your bowel movements so you can avoid other problems such as hemorrhoids. The best fiber comes from fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, and fluids that help prevent dehydration, anther reason people become constipated. This brings me to the second but more important thing you should be doing to avoid constipation. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water helps soften the stools so they can be expelled easier. Drinks such as soda and energy drinks can dehydrate you and offer no help with the digestive system.

Good gut bacteria (Acidophilus) promotes healthier digestion and helps with constipation. Getting the proper amount of gut bacteria improves digestion and makes up around 80% of your immune system. Studies have also shown that gut bacteria can give the body tools to make other nutrients so the body doesn't become deficient.
Nothing is more unconformable than having intestinal problems. We lose ambition to do important things, or to go do things that make us happy. More importantly, unhealthy intestines are more likely the cause to more serous health conditions. The reason you're over weight, tired, bloated and have headaches may be the cause of unhealthy intestines. You are not what you eat but what you absorb, and if you're blocked up, you will only absorb fats and sugars, leaving you depleted in other nutrients needed throughout the body. If now is not the time to get your digestive system healthy, then when is good time? When more problems arise and cause even more damage?

The digestive system is the start to better health and the start to failing health. If your digestive system is on point, you're going to break down your food properly and provide your body with sufficient amounts of nutrition and avoid deficiencies. On the other hand, if your digestive system is blocked up and unable to properly digest your food, many health issues can arise due to the lack of nutrition and the building deficiencies. This why HoneyCombs created the Intestinal Tune Up.

Intestinal Tune-Up
This herbal combination is formulated to break up old, backed up fecal matter so the intestines can absorb nutrients with ease. The colon can hold pounds of blocked, hardened waste that sticks to the intestinal walls. The excess waste is full of toxins that can cause many health issues and keep you from absorbing needed nutrition.

Stop living with discomfort from an unhealthy digestive system and start feeling great! Order Intestinal Tune-Up today!  Save 13% today on each bottle! It's time to start living healthy and happy.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Vitamin B12 - Nerve Function - Red Blood Cell Formation

Vitamin B12 also known as Cyanocobalamin is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a variety of roles including; red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function and DNA production.

Vitamin B12 is found in meat, fish, poultry and dairy products, but not found in plant foods. This means vegan, vegetarians and those with lower protein diets may be at risk for B12 deficiency. 

Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, intestinal problems, nerve damage and mood disturbances. Supplementing with Vitamin B12 is one easy way to ensure you’re not deficient. Using liquid supplements increase speed and rate of absorption in the body meaning you need less to get the same effect.

Click the link to order liquid Vitamin B12

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Benefits

Here's what you need to know about Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin, has many health benefits. Like all other B-Vitamins, B3 is essential for us. Without it, you would have serous skin conditions, diarrhea, headaches, memory loss and loss of energy all the time. Vitamin B3 is also necessary for supporting a healthy heart.

Vitamin B3 works with other B-Vitamins as co-enzymes that activate other enzymes in the digestive system so you're able to properly break down everything you consume. Since we get all of our nutrients from our digestive system, it's very important we have all the right tools to keep it functioning properly. Most health problems can be traced back to unhealthy eating and/or a poor digestive system. Every cell in our body relies on our digestive system to pull nutrients from what we consume. Getting the proper amount of B-Vitamins is an important step in achieving this.

Vitamin B3 Deficiencies 
Each B-Vitamin plays a key roll in the digestive system but they also have many more uses. Our body gives us signs to let us know when something is missing. It's kinda like the check engine light coming on in your car, you know there's a problem you just don't know exactly what it is. 

Here's the breakdown:
Inflammation of the skin (dermatitis)
Memory Loss

These are all signs you may be lacking the proper amount of Vitamin B3. Pellagra is also a sign you may be deficient. All B-Vitamins are water soluble, your body only stores them for a short time. If you take too much, your body will use what it needs and flush the rest out with the urine. 

Recommended Vitamin B3
We found at Herb-Science that liquid is the best for deficiencies. It's easily absorbed and dispersed throughout the body quickly. Click the link to order Liquid Vitamin B3

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Liver Health - Detoxing & Healing - Better Digesting

 The Liver's Job

The Liver is an organ that does many things. From filtering out toxins in the blood to creating  enzymes that help with digestion. The Liver also stores vitamins and chemicals the body needs to stay healthy. If the Liver isn't functioning properly you won't absorb nutrients your body desperately needs or rid toxins that are causing harmful damage. Serous health conditions will follow if you don't take care of your Liver.

How to keep a healthy Liver
The Liver is the largest organ in your body, located on the right side of your stomach. Taking care of the Liver now will improve your chances of avoiding problems in the future and the way you feel each day here on out. There are many nutrients the Liver uses daily to stay healthy. Many of these nutrients can come from a healthy diet but some can also come from herbal supplements if your diet isn't providing the proper amount. Eating foods that are high in B-Vitamins, Vitamin E and Vitamin C, such as fruits, berries and vegetables are good for your Liver. Drinking a cup of herbal tea each day can also support a healthy Liver. Liquid Milk Thistle is one of the best herbs you can start taking for your Liver health. Scroll down to get a full list of supplements that are good for the Liver.

Many things can cause harm to the Liver, such as alcohol and drugs. A junky diet can also cause problems with the Liver. Too much sugar can cause fatty tissue to build up in the Liver. We all drink occasionally or have a meal that's not the best for us here and there, and that's okay, it's when you do it all the time that gets you in trouble. Eating foods with refined sugars, fats, drinking sodas or alcoholic beverages, and taking pharmaceutical drugs too often will cause Liver damage. Everything in moderation will allow your body to remember how to keep these toxins at bay without causing the harm if taken all the time.

Choosing Supplements for your Liver

There are many products on the market today for Liver health and I'm sure a lot of them work very well but what we have found here at Herb-Science, is that liquid works the best. Not only does the Liver absorb the nutrients quicker from liquid, it's also able to disperse them throughout the body quicker and more effectively. So, the list of products we're showing you are all liquid herbal and vitamin formulas.

Milk Thistle - An herb with a lot of research that shows it can stop cell damage in the Liver and start regenerating healthy new cells. By adding a tablespoon of liquid Milk Thistle to your diet every day will support a healthy Liver. Click the link to order Liquid Milk Thistle today.

Dandelion - Helps the Liver produce bile, a digestive fluid needed to break down foods in the intestines. It also helps cleanse the Liver. Click the link to order Liquid Dandelion today.

Eldermint Tea - Provides help with detoxing and boosting the immune system. The Liver deals with toxins every day and always can use the extra help in ridding toxins. Drink a cup of Eldermint Tea each day for amazing benefits. Click the link to order Eldermint Tea today.

B-Vitamins - Are needed for the Liver to store and provide to cells as needed. The Liver delivers B-Vitamins as a co-enzyme to activate enzymes in the digestive system so you can properly break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Taking B-Vitamins in a complex is the best way to make sure you don't become deficient of any of them. B-Vitamins all work together for many functions of the body and getting the proper amount of each is very important. Click the link to order Herb-Science balanced Liquid B-Complex with Vitamin C. 

Vitamin C - Is great for the immune system but also is a wonderful antioxidant that protects Liver cells from free radical damage. You can take a Liquid Vitamin C by itself or take the B-Complex to get all your B-Vitamins along with the Vitamin C.

Fat Soluble Vitamins - One of the best antioxidants out there. Vitamin E, A&D and K are all amazing for every cell in your body. Adding these vitamins provide a wide range of health benefits that not only improve Liver health but much more as well. Shop Fat Soluble Vitamins today!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Simple steps to bettering your health

We all hate getting sick but did you know you can actually benefit from it?
Throughout the year, even if we eat healthy, we become exposed to toxins that cause cell damage to our bodies. We see weight gain, ageing, loss of energy and become more exposed to illness due to these toxins. Once the toxin level is too high, the immune system becomes overwhelmed fighting them and we are more susceptible to colds and the flu. But, this isn't as bad as you think. Getting a cold or the flu is a great way to flush the body of these toxins and build the immune system.

Before you run to get a flu shot or an antibiotic, just remember, these toxins need to be flushed out and will just be stored in your body to cause more damage if they're not. I'm not telling you not to get your flu shots, I'm just saying you might want to skip one every once in a while. And, antibiotics kill gut bacteria, which makes up 80% of your immune system. Antibiotics are great if you have a serous health concern but if it's just a cold, you'll be better off riding it out.

Simple steps to help you get over a cold or the flu quicker
As I mentioned before, the cold and flu are natural ways to get rid of toxins. The first step is to avoid eating foods that have these toxins. Avoid foods such as breads, pasta, dairy and anything with added sugar. These foods create mucus and create more for the immune system to fight.

Second, drink water to stay hydrated. Stay away from sugary drinks such as soda, juice, energy drinks and sports drinks. Staying hydrated when you're sick is very important and drinks like soda dehydrate you. Electrolytes are great to help you stay hydrated but don't try and get them from a sports drink. Adding lemon to your water will give you way more electrolytes without the processed sugars sports drink have.

Third, take herbs and vitamins that boost your immune system. Herbs such as Echinacea, Elder Flowers and Peppermint, and Vitamin C help support the immune system so you can rid toxins quicker and start feeling better faster.

Monday, May 14, 2018

How does your supplements compare? - Cold Processed - Healthier Herbs & Vitamins

If we were able to get every nutrient needed from the foods we eat, we wouldn't consider taking supplements. Unfortunately, that's not the case. We are taking supplements for everything due to the lack of nutrition in the foods we eat. Deficiencies are becoming so common that food companies supplement synthetic ingredients to try and reach the daily value of these nutrients.

If you're taking a product to get missing nutrients and overcome deficiency, then you want to make sure what you're taking is high in those nutrients and that they're available at your cell level. This is where cold processing comes in. Cold processing dehydrates the ingredient so the enzymes go into hibernation and then can easily be reactivated once hydrated and be utilized in the body. This is the best way to preserve a product without causing any damage to the nutrients.

Many products are either pasteurized or have alcohol added to preserve them. You lose all the nutritional value with either one of these methods. So before you purchase your next supplement, make sure it was cold processed so you get the best nutritional value for your money and your health.   

Avoid products with fillers (cheap ingredient with zero nutritional value), synthetic preservatives, colors, flavors, sugar or chemical ingredients. The ingredient list should be small and safe. You don't need other problems caused by ingredients from a product that are supposed to be helping you. Again, this is where cold processing comes in. With cold processing, you can safely preserve healthy ingredients that work with each other and create a better product.

Click here to shop Cold Processed products!